
MMC.exe app has been blocked for your protection in Windows 11/10

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When trying to run "Computer Management", if you receive a dialog saying— This app has been blocked for your protection, and then this post will help you solve the trouble. The same problem has been reported to happen when running mmc.exe or compmgmt.msc from a command prompt.

MMC.exe app has been blocked for your protection in Windows 10

MMC.exe app has been blocked for your protection

This is a permission issue where if a regular user tries to run such arrangement tools volition issue in proverb that it has been blocked. Along with this, you may have a Grouping Policy event. This can be fixed, just you lot will need admin permission to attain it. Information technology's because when they are run from the command prompt with elevated privileges, it works.

1] Change Group Policy Settings

Enable Computer Management Access Group Policy

If your business relationship is an admin account, and yous are nevertheless facing the event, and then change the grouping policy settings:

  • Open Group Policy Settings past typing gpedit.msc in the run prompt followed by pressing the Enter fundamental.
  • Navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Microsoft Management Console > Restricted/Permitted snap-ins
  • Locate Computer Management policy, and double click to open up it
  • Please enable it, get out Group Policy.

Y'all should now exist able to launch the program without whatsoever issue. The policy details equally follows:

  • When Enabled: The snap-in is permitted and can be added into the Microsoft Direction Panel or run from the command line every bit a standalone panel.
  • When Disabled: The snap-in is prohibited and cannot be added into the Microsoft Management Console or run from the command line every bit a standalone console. An error bulletin is displayed stating that the policy is prohibiting the use of this snap-in.

two] Temporarily disable UAC

MMC.exe app has been blocked for your protection in Windows 10

UAC is the user access control console, and if yous need to run the command right away, you can choose to disable it for some time. Click on the Start push, then blazon UAC to find the User Account Command Settings.

Click to open up, and then slide down the notification setting at the lesser. It will temporarily permit launching the application equally there is no check. However, brand sure to switch to default once you are washed. In instance yous cannot, read our related guide on how to fix it.

Related mistake posts that may interest you lot:

  • This app has been blocked for your protection.
  • Microsoft Management Panel (MMC.exe) has stopped working.

I promise the post was easy to follow, and you were able to launch the MMC.exe app without being blocked.

MMC.exe app has been blocked for your protection in Windows 10


Ashish is a veteran Windows, and Xbox user who excels in writing tips, tricks, and features on it to improve your twenty-four hours to mean solar day experience with your devices.


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