How to become a missionary

We know becoming a missionary is a big step. We offer the direction and support you need to serve God in East Asia.

Missionary and Cambodian monk sitting on the sidewalk in conversation

Explore serving God overseas with us.

God uses all kinds of people to share the gospel around the world. He uses church planters, theology lecturers and Bible study-leaders. But he also uses administrators, architects, frisbee-players, mountain bikers and radio producers to introduce people to Jesus.

We know becoming a missionary is a big step. So, we provide support every step of the way. From exploring the call to mission, to raising funds, we provide the help you need to get overseas. Once in East Asia, there are established systems to support and train missionaries and their families, too.

Featured articles

Missionaries Bruno and Anna with their son and daughter

Bruno & Ana already had some mission experience in Thailand. Connecting with OMF helped them get the support they need to thrive as a family serving God overseas.

"OMF cares about excellence in ministry, focuses on the people, and always has the Bible as a rule of faith and practice. The attention given to the children of missionaries also touched our hearts. We are still at the beginning of the journey, but we have already learned a great deal from our leaders Steve & Anna Griffiths about life with God, teamwork, love of missions and others."

Four support workers sitting at a conference table

Dave & Fi Rickards from the UK served as our first Director for Fellowship Services in Singapore.

Their role was to help ensure our workers had everything they need to serve effectively. The Rickards led a team of specialists in human resources, IT, finance, training, ministry development and inspiring others to get involved.

"After about three years on a church planting team, OMF asked us to serve as the Field Directors for the Cambodia team. This would mean a move away from the 'front line', the people we loved and the work we had been doing. But we went back to our calling – to go where we were needed – and felt that God was in this move."

Am I called to be a missionary?

OMF worker Karl Dahlfred explores how to work out if becoming a missionary is right for you.

Do missionaries need to be perfect?

OMF missions coach Mike McGinty shares the most important qualities for missionary service.

How do I choose a mission agency?

There are so many agencies to choose from. So how do you know which is best? Our short guide will help you ask the right questions to choose the best mission agency for you.

What about raising money?

Shona shares her experience of God's faithfulness. How her family went from being stuck in a cycle of debt to having enough financial support to serve overseas.

Frequently asked questions

My church hasn't sent any missionaries. Is that a problem?

No. We enjoy working with churches to help them send missionaries. We know in some countries, the idea of sending missionaries cross-culturally is quite new.  However, the process could take longer if your church hasn't sent any missionaries before.

What about finances?

We rely on God to provide our financial needs, through prayer, trusting God will move people to respond. The amount of financial support needed depends on where you will be living and it's hard to give an exact figure early on. If you're considering taking your profession overseas, or running a missional business, financial arrangements will vary and we can discuss these with you.

Will OMF help me get a visa?

Yes, we have agreements with many governments in East Asia, although availability depends on the length of service and type of ministry. Once you've been accepted to serve with us, we will be able to work toward a solution.

Do I need to go to Bible college?

Usually, yes, especially if you are planning on serving for several years. We recommend two years full-time training if you are serving more than three years. We also recommend courses that prepare you for cross-cultural service, not just for pastoral work in your home country.

Can I use my profession in missions?

Yes. There are many opportunities for Christians from doctors to farmers, teachers to IT workers, to use their skills in mission. For example, around 100 OMF workers serve in East Asia as doctors, surgeons, dentists as well as a whole range of other medical roles. Working overseas is a great opportunity to live out your faith, model Christian work ethics and minister to others in the workplace.

Find out more about how you could use your profession.