
How To Get On A School Board

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Board Candidates 2021-11-01T11:20:11-05:00
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Get on Board for Public School Students!

The board of education is a volunteer representative body elected by the registered voters of the local public school district. Become a school board member if you are:

  • Passionate about supporting public education.
  • Motivated by the best interests of all children in your community.
  • Committed to listen and collaborate with other leaders.
  • Trusting in the democratic process.

The school board governs the school district and provides leadership and advocacy for public education. School boards are charged with making decisions in the best interest of the entire district. Learn more basics at


  • A school board member must be:
  • A U.S. citizen.
  • A resident taxpayer of a district or voters of the district in urban districts.
  • A resident of Missouri for at least one year.
  • At least 24 years old.

Candidates must also be current on state and local taxes; have not been found guilty of or pled guilty to a felony under Missouri or federal law; are not registered or required to register as a sex offender; and have filed required campaign documents for all previous campaigns, if any.

Missouri School Boards' Association

Candidate filing begins
December 7, 2021

Candidate filing ends
December 28, 2021

Election Day
April 5, 2022

What School Board Members Say

People serve on school boards for many reasons, but most do it for the satisfaction they get from seeing the positive impact that they can have on students and the community.

"I am a fierce advocate for public education as I truly believe it is the only hope many of our children have for a better way of life."

Time Commitment

Board members in most Missouri school districts serve three-year terms of office. However, board members in Independence serve six-year terms, and board members in St. Louis and Kansas City serve four-year terms.

Board members are expected to be present and actively participate in school board meetings. Some school boards regularly meet once a month, but others meet more often. In some districts, school board members are also expected to serve on committees and attend district events.If elected, board members must complete 18.5 hours of orientation and training within one year of the date of the election or appointment. Board members must complete at least one hour of refresher training each year thereafter.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." – Margaret Mead

Recruiting School Board Candidates

Resources for School Districts to Recruit Candidates

Resources for Elected School Board Members

How To Get On A School Board


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